Meetings for 2023-2024
Month | Date | Time | Meeting Type | |
September | 28 | 1:00 PM | ANNUAL Board of Directors Meeting | Full |
July | 27 | 1:00 PM | Board of Directors Meeting | Full |
January | 25 | 1:00 PM | Board of Directors Meeting | Full |
March | 28 | 1:00 PM | Board of Directors Meeting | Full |
May | 23 | 1:00 PM | Board of Directors Meeting | Full |
November | 15 | 1:00 PM | Board of Directors Meeting *note change to Wednesday | Full |
August | 24 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting | EC |
October | 26 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting | EC |
February | 22 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting | EC |
April | 25 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting | EC |
June | 27 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting | EC |
December | 7 | 1:00 PM | Executive Committee Meeting *Note Change to 1st Thursday due to holiday | EC |
Fiscal year 2023-24 ends June 30, 2024
- All PPFC Board Meetings fall under the NC General Statutes - Chapter 143 Article 33C- Open Public Meeting Law. Meetings are publicized. The public is welcome.
- Meetings are held at the office of Pamlico Partnership for Children unless otherwise indicated. The virtual option of Zoom is available for those unable to attend in person.
- Board meeting typically last approx. 1.50 hours, please schedule accordingly
- Board Meetings are typically scheduled for the 4th Thursday of the month. November and December are exceptions due to holidays, please note the date change in these months.
- Executive Committee (EC) meetings are scheduled every other month, alternating between the full board meeting dates. All board members are welcome to attend the EC meetings.
- Emergency meetings and other committee meetings may be called if necessary.
- Meetings dates and times are subject to change with board approval.